There is so much more to coaching and mentoring than just a block of 5 or so sessions to achieve a goal, or a tool for when you have an issue or challenge to overcome. It can be a way of life that encompasses an evolving and growing relationship where both the coach/mentor and you commit to your growth and evolution towards being the best that you can be.
♥ you can gain reflection from
♥ has your best interests at heart and will never harm you, treat you badly or ridicule you
♥ will assist you to find clarity around challenges and bounce ideas around with you
♥ will hold the ideal of who you truly are while you search for the best way to become that
♥ will challenge and stretch you to go beyond what you thought you were capable of and support your highest good
♥ will teach you how to connect with something greater than who you think you are
You play your part by being willing to learn, take instruction, commit to your own growth and take accountability for your life in every way. It’s never been necessary to stanchly struggle on alone, doing it hard and keeping it all inside. Some people have this weird kind of pride about doing it unaided, but you can become so much more by sharing the journey with a coach/mentor who will assist you to develop life skills in your own unique way.
Many of the successful people throughout history and in all areas of endeavour, whether in business, sport, academia or philosophy, have had some kind of coach/mentor. No matter how strong or weak their performance is in a particular area, they remain committed to continuous improvement and open to candid feedback. They understand that the purpose of the coaching/mentoring process is to help them consistently live up to their highest potential. Some of these include Winston Churchill who was mentored by Bourke Cockran, Archimedes who was mentored by Galileo, Plato who was mentored by Socrates.
Years ago, at the great Bolshoi Ballet, auditions for the troupe were conducted among 8 year old girls. That’s because it took ten years to become great. How did the auditions work? The teachers weren’t only looking for the best dancers. They were also looking for the dancers who took coaching the best. The rest would come with time.
Having a mentor/coach to check in with on an ongoing basis is the most valuable resource for your emotional, spiritual and psychological wellbeing, which as many health experts will tell you, has a capacity to flow onto your physical wellbeing and improve all of the relationships in your life.
Ongoing personal and professional development is best done on a daily basis. Like any athletes or artists will tell you, you need to practise daily to maintain your peak levels of performance and expand into all that you can be. With coaching/mentoring any individual can unfold on a daily basis into the personal satisfaction and contentment that comes from being more and more of who you truly are.
The Heartforce coaching and mentoring program has been designed from this understanding. You can participate from anywhere in the world as long as you have a phone and an internet connection. We have personalized packages to suit your needs that include regular coaching/mentoring sessions coupled with ongoing courses, resources, tools and daily practises to inspire and assist you to keep moving steadily forward. All it takes is dedication and commitment. It’s a lifestyle, a way you live your life, and it changes your life in ways seemingly unimaginable until you actually embrace the transformation.
© 2025 Heartforce - Alchemy of Love